Monday, August 4, 2014

Last Training Day before the fall test...

August 16, Mock NA test at Muddy Dog Ranch

Scotty has pheasants available for tracking training. Please RSVP to him directly if you want pheasants, so he knows how many to bring.  He is going to try to have chukar available for those who RSVP at least a week in advance. PLEASE RSVP at least one week in advance on chukar and pheasant. (The club doesn't have birds. Someone has to purchase them and we need to know how many to get, so that the purchaser doesn't get stuck personally invested in birds that won't be used. If you wait until the last few days to RSVP, the birds may already have been bought and we may not have what you need.)

Please be sure to bring a stake out or crate for your dog so that dogs are not running loose during other folks training scenarios.
Also be sure to bring water and a dish for your dog.
Directions to Muddy Dog Ranch are on the Events page.